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New Hummingbird GoogleBot

website design

Yes you have heard it right… Google just released another algorithm a few days ago. After Panda and Penguin, we now have Hummingbird. What is up with the animal names? What does it mean for you, your website and company? =1= Fact one: They are making everything much more complicated and the new GoogleBot is changing content marketing. The new Hummingbird algorithm from Google is placing much...

Content Marketing

website design

The power of Content Marketing is undeniable. But what does it mean? What difference does it make online? Is it here to stay? Let’s find out together… =1= What is Content Marketing? Content marketing is the art of preparing and distributing content using different platforms. It communicates a message, conveys an idea or declare a call-to-action. Good content marketing plants the seeds that one should contact ABC company for additional in...

Shopping carts: They are not all created equal!

website design

There are numerous third party-shopping cart applications your webmaster can add to your website and they range in quality, functionality and price. As you can imagine, a $10 a month shopping cart gets you exactly that… $10 worth of shopping cart. If you have the time to analyze pages of data, we invite you to visit this Wikipedia link which offers a comparison between known shopping cart p...

The most common website mistakes are easy to prevent

website design

Your visitors have about 5 seconds to decide if they like your website or not, if they get a sense of professionalism, trust and so forth. The most common website mistakes are easy to prevent or fix.

  • Make sure each page in your website has something valuable to offer to your visitors but also the search engine bots.
  • Don't distract your visitors with blinking or scrolling text, animated imag...

The meaning of colors in your branding and marketing efforts

website design

Nobody can deny that colors affect moods, perception and overall assumption. A woman walks into a room full of people... She is wearing a bright red dress, it speaks energy and confidence. True? Though everyone has their own favorite color(s), specific colors convey specific messages to the general public. Below you will find a graphic that is widely accepted in the design and marketing fields. Of course, as anything else, you want to take into your consideration your business unique...

3 Ways to Make Your Website Work for You

website design

Our article was published in the August 2013 Issue of North Bay Biz Magazine I am always amazed at the talent of business professionals I meet during website consultations. Their passion for their business is second to none. Business owners and entrepreneurs tend to be extremely self-sufficient; having invested so much time, money, and energy into their business; it is not hard to understand why they feel most comfortable when they are able to manage every aspect of an empire ...

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