The one thing that ALWAYS delays the launch of a new website is the textual content also known as copy writing. In most cases, a business owner will pay a web development company like ours to design their website but he or she will take care of writing the textual content for each page. This sounds like a great plan but most people do not realize how time consuming creating optimized marketing content for a website can be. This is...
To write or not to write... Textual content is one of the most important part of a website. Too little content and you take the chance of your visitors guessing what you do and what you want and give no help to search engines to rank your site in searches. Too much content and the website becomes overwhelming, boring, and perhaps even worst confusing. The amount of appropriate content depends on the following elements:
Today when we discuss the importance of preparing your website content for your local audience we mean textual content also known as copy writing. Leveraging great content that your local audience would embrace and trust is key to getting them to follow your desired call-to-action, may it be calling you, filling out a form or buying on your website. First you should understand who your audience is (read our two prior blog posts), what their likes and dislikes are as well what is the local way...
Duplicate content is any written content which is on your website as well as other sites on the web. Search Engines Bots have great difficulty deciding which page or website they should index when they find duplicate content. They do not quite know which content is the genuine or relevant one. Sometimes they get it right, sometimes they don't. The main issue of course is having your website penalized by the search engines if the bot decides your content is the duplicate one. So what to...
The power of Content Marketing is undeniable. But what does it mean? What difference does it make online? Is it here to stay? Let’s find out together… =1= What is Content Marketing? Content marketing is the art of preparing and distributing content using different platforms. It communicates a message, conveys an idea or declare a call-to-action. Good content marketing plants the seeds that one should contact ABC company for additional in...
Our article was published in the August 2013 Issue of North Bay Biz Magazine I am always amazed at the talent of business professionals I meet during website consultations. Their passion for their business is second to none. Business owners and entrepreneurs tend to be extremely self-sufficient; having invested so much time, money, and energy into their business; it is not hard to understand why they feel most comfortable when they are able to manage every aspect of an empire ...