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SEO – Search Engine Optimization

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There are over 1 billion websites on the Internet. How are you supposed to be found online? How do you rank on page 1? How much budget and time do you need to over-rank your competitors? Those are very good questions which we get daily at Business Website Center. With over 80% of all purchases starting with the buyer searching online, there is no doubt that having your website found online is very important to the survival of your business. Also, since higher ranked sites get...

How to manually submit a website to Google?

sonoma countywebsite design

Great news! Google has now made it very easy for anyone to submit their web pages to its search engine. This is an important of Search Engine Optimization especially if you just made edits on your site or created a new page. Of course, you can just wait until the Google Bot crawls your site but this may take some time as there are now over 1 billions sites listed on the Internet. It used to be you would need to have a Google Webmaster account to submit your review for review but not anymore. ...

The importance of content

sonoma countywebsite design

If you are still not convinced textual content is king with Google and other major search engines, think of it that way:

Google is in the sole business of delivering content... nothing more.

An Internet user searches using keywords, Google checks its list of indexed content, then gives back pages of results which it "feels" matches what the user was looking for. That's it! It is all about content. Therefore you must have quality content on...

Series 3 of 3 – Content & Message for Local Businesses’ Websites

sonoma countywebsite design

Today when we discuss the importance of preparing your website content for your local audience we mean textual content also known as copy writing. Leveraging great content that your local audience would embrace and trust is key to getting them to follow your desired call-to-action, may it be calling you, filling out a form or buying on your website. First you should understand who your audience is (read our two prior blog posts), what their likes and dislikes are as well what is the local way...

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