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The importance of content

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If you are still not convinced textual content is king with Google and other major search engines, think of it that way:

Google is in the sole business of delivering content… nothing more.

An Internet user searches using keywords, Google checks its list of indexed content, then gives back pages of results which it “feels” matches what the user was looking for. That’s it! It is all about content.

Therefore you must have quality content on your site to be of interest to search engines and be listed on their result pages. The more valuable and genuine your site’s content is, the better its ranking. I like to use this analogy. Being listed on page one of Google is like exercise. You know it is good for you. You know how you have to exercise and how often. Even though it is not complicated as a concept, it is still difficult for most of us.

Let’s keep it simple. If you want your website to have top ranking on Google:

  1. Find out what your prospective clients are searching for. Google Trends is a great place to start or you may hire a company like ours.
  2. Establish what the keyword focus should be for each individual page. Each page should have its own focus.
  3. Give your homepage the most important keyword (or keyword combination).
  4. Develop well written textual content that supports those keywords while still being easy to read and compelling to your website visitors.
  5. Make sure your content is made of fully developed sentences, not just a list of keywords.
  6. Illustrate the text with optimized images. Give images SEO friendly names as well as appropriate alt and title tags.
  7. Make the pages live.
  8. Submit them to Google and other search engines manually for a quicker review.

These SEO recommendations were good ten years ago and are still good today. Follow these easy 8 steps and you will see an improvement in your website ranking.

Questions about this subject?

Never hesitate to contact our friendly team by phone at (707) 794-9999 (Pacific Standard Time) or by email here. Have a successful day!

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