Web accessibility is a set of rules, behaviors, code standards, and design guidelines, that are meant to allow people with disabilities to effectively use websites.
There is now a website tool which we can install on your website regardless of how it was built and which platform (if any) it is using. To better understand it, simply look at the top right of this page, there is an orange square with a stick figure. Once you click on it, a comprehensive dashboard of options become available to the visitors. From Seizure Safe to Vision Impaired and Cognitive Disability, there is something for everyone.
- 200% increase in lawsuits and demand letters from 2017 to 2018. 2021 is even worst than previous years.
- DOJ affirms ADA applies to websites since November 2018.
- 2019 tripled 2018 in papers served.
- Over 150,000 demand letters served to businesses since 2017.
- 93% of demand letters settle outside of court for $20,000 – $150,000 on average.
The accessibility tool is an AI-powered machine-learning software that was developed with the understanding that successfully automating the process creates a simple, immediate, affordable, and compliant solution that serves as a win-win for the business owner and people with disabilities, who just want equal access to the internet.
Taking into consideration the pricing model, which is a fraction of the cost of manual remediation that is offered by third party accessiBe, our solution is not only a no brainer in comparison to the other alternatives in the market. It actually makes being accessible and compliant a no brainer in general for the majority of businesses that otherwise wouldnt have a reasonable solution.
It is important to note that one of the legal requirements of being ADA compliant is to have an accessibility statement that highlights your websites accessibility. This document on the right is our accessibility statement which also acts as a certificate of performance. It explains all the adjustments the solution has made to the website, browser and assistive technology compatibility and describes how to report feedback.
The statement will be personalized to the name of your domain name and it will be dated. It will be available to all users within the interface. If needed, we can sent it to you via email.
1. [Installation] First, we install the code onto your website regardless if it is hard coded, custom designed, generated by a content management system or hosted on a 3rd party platform. We custom it to match your brand and colors.
2. [Interface] Once we are done, your website instantly displays our accessibility interface.
3. [AI Process] Simultaneously, the AI kicks in, and in up to 48 hours, it is finished, and the website is accessible and compliant.
4. [Maintenance] The biggest advantage is the automatic maintenance. The AI re-scans the website every 24 hours, making sure that any changes or additions are also being remediated.
We offer a complimentary initial consultation so do not hesitate to call us at 707-794-9999.
Call 707-794-9999 or email info@santarosawebsite.com to discuss ADA Website Compliance.