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Top AI Integration Tools for Websites

sonoma countywebsite design

Explore popular AI tools and platforms that can be integrated into websites, such as chatbots, recommendation engines, natural language processing (NLP) APIs, and sentiment analysis tools.

In today's digital landscape, incorporating AI technologies into websites has become crucial for businesses seeking to deliver personalized user experiences, streamline operations, and provide efficient customer support. From chatbot...

Customizing your email and social media

sonoma countywebsite design

Many site owners do a good job in having a great website and printed marketing material but fall short in taking care of something so simple to fix yet so important to their business: Email Signature and Branding in their Social Media accounts. =1= Branding an email signature: There are known best practices in setting up a strong email signature such as:

  • Have a signature in your email and use it each and every time!
  • Do not actually use your ac...

Tweeting for your business

sonoma countywebsite design

Twitter is still going strong after almost 10 years in business. What was first a fun quirky social media platform for a younger audience is now considered a strong platform for businesses wishing to increase their online visibility and reach. Once again you are in front of your computer screen wondering what you could do next to help your business online. What can you do quickly and efficiently without taking you away from your daily tasks? You also wonder "Why should my business be on Twitt...

Pinterest and SEO

sonoma countywebsite design

Incoming quality traffic to your website is the ultimate goal. The more people come to your site either through referral websites or directly, the better your chances for high ranking with search engines. Pinterest has come a long way from being a "girls sharing photos" platform to now a legit business social media platform on which a company can promote their products, services or brand. In the eyes of Google and other major SE, Pinterest is a quality popular website and ...

Social Media Impacting Website Designs

sonoma countywebsite design

Social media in general is here to stay. Specific social media platforms may come and go but again social media as a way to communicate with one another is going to continue to increase in popularity. As a disclaimer, social media may not be suited for all industries. If you are unsure, make sure to speak with an online marketing expert like Ryan Perry or Virginie Dorn. For instance there are legal restrictions for law firms on what they can do online. So check first if social media is right for...

What is social media shareability?

sonoma countywebsite design

Social media is continuing to take over the Internet that we like it or not. It is here to stay and is continually evolving with new companies coming online, new platforms, new ways of communicating with friends, family and clients online, and new sites to learn to use. We agree that it can be exhausting. We also agree that, as a business owner or professional, you do not have time to keep up with new social media trends as you have plenty on your plate for your day-to-day work activities. So...

What social media can do for your business

website design

To a lot of businesses, social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin, Google+, and many others, are tools that they know they should be using to promote their business, but they don’t really understand how or why they need to use them. Here are 3 ways that Social Media can help boost your business. 1. SEO – Search Engine Optimization should rank near the top of your list for the most important thing to think about concerning your website as it affects h...

Web Design Trends for 2014 Part 1

website design

When it comes to web design, popular practice is always changing. Technology improves, designs adapt, and trends emerge. This is part one of a three part blog series about some Web Design trends that you should be paying attention to in 2014. Some of them are far from mandatory, but are pretty cool. Several of them you will want to use yourself because there is no really good reason not to. In no particular order, here they are: Responsive Design- So actually, this one is the b...

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