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Pinterest and SEO

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Incoming quality traffic to your website is the ultimate goal. The more people come to your site either through referral websites or directly, the better your chances for high ranking with search engines. Pinterest has come a long way from being a "girls sharing photos" platform to now a legit business social media platform on which a company can promote their products, services or brand. In the eyes of Google and other major SE, Pinterest is a quality popular website and ...

What is Online Branding?

website design

Hi, my name is Virginie Dorn, the CEO of Business Website Center located in California. Today we are going to be discussing online branding. The term 'branding' has been around for many, many years. You're absolutely familiar with it. It is how people perceive you. With the internet having taken over the world, the online branding can be slightly different from your face-to-face branding, especially if you have a brick and mortar in a small town and now you are selling online. Your online brandi...

What social media can do for your business

website design

To a lot of businesses, social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin, Google+, and many others, are tools that they know they should be using to promote their business, but they don’t really understand how or why they need to use them. Here are 3 ways that Social Media can help boost your business. 1. SEO – Search Engine Optimization should rank near the top of your list for the most important thing to think about concerning your website as it affects h...

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