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How do you know it is time for a new website?

sonoma countywebsite design

Your site isĀ  just a few years old but you are wondering if it is time to upgrade it or even get a brand new one. You know technology and especially the Internet has changed dramatically these last two years. If you answer YES to one of the following questions, it is time to have a conversation with an experienced web designer.

  1. Your competition has a better website. They may have a better design, better content, better "feel", etc.
  2. Your website is not responsive to m...

What is Online Branding?

website design

Hi, my name is Virginie Dorn, the CEO of Business Website Center located in California. Today we are going to be discussing online branding. The term 'branding' has been around for many, many years. You're absolutely familiar with it. It is how people perceive you. With the internet having taken over the world, the online branding can be slightly different from your face-to-face branding, especially if you have a brick and mortar in a small town and now you are selling online. Your online brandi...

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