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Summerizing your website designing

sonoma countywebsite design

“Summer-izing” is not a word, we know. We meant that there is value in giving a summer feel to your site. Believe it or not, websites have seasons too just like brick and mortar stores. Depending on your industry and target audience, you may want to consider adjusting your site’s visual display as well as textual content based on the season. This is especially true for retail businesses. For instance, if you sell sporting goods, you already know that during the summer time your...

Social Media Impacting Website Designs

sonoma countywebsite design

Social media in general is here to stay. Specific social media platforms may come and go but again social media as a way to communicate with one another is going to continue to increase in popularity. As a disclaimer, social media may not be suited for all industries. If you are unsure, make sure to speak with an online marketing expert like Ryan Perry or Virginie Dorn. For instance there are legal restrictions for law firms on what they can do online. So check first if social media is right for...

New web trend – Videos as background wallpaper

sonoma countywebsite design

Thanks to new coding techniques using HTML5 and faster Internet connection throughout the world, having a video as a background or moving backgrounds is now a possibility. The video can be coded to play upon the visitor’s arrival with or without sound. It can also be set to play with a specific time delay or play upon clicking on an icon. What is even more exciting is that these videos can be filling up the entire screen of the visitor no matter what their screen size is. Thanks to responsi...

How to make your website easier to use by organizing your main menu

sonoma countywebsite design

A very common problem among websites is lack of or bad organization. If the user can’t find what they’re looking for quickly, they would rather go to a different website than take another few seconds to try to find it on yours. It should be immediately obvious how to get where they want to go. The first major step that should be taken, is organizing your main menu to be very intuitive, and to not have too many items. Your main menu should have a link back to the “Home” page, and a lin...

Responsive Website Online Webinar

website design

Once a week Business Website Center is a guest speaker on Simple Biz Support weekly webinar. During these live video feeds, we discussed website related news to educate website owners of what they should have on their website to make it successful. Mobile devices have transformed the way websites are designed. A few years ago, a business owner needed two websites: one for phones and one for computer desktops. This was a cumbersome and expensive way. Nowadays all you need is responsive design c...

How to plan your website

sonoma countywebsite design

To the average business owner, who is usually busy beyond the levels that a normal human being can handle, the idea of having to plan an entire website seems daunting to say the least. Where do you even start? The best place to start is with an unfocused concept. Think about what the purpose of your website will be. What do you want it to accomplish? Once you know what you want it to do, that’s when you can start thinking about what the best way to do it will be. Once you have a general ide...

The secret to a successful website

website design

Fifteen years ago, your website was one spoke of the wheel that kept your business rolling. Print advertising was common. Your storefront was what people judged you on as a representation of your business. Flash forward to 2013: your website is your storefront. Over the last 10 years we have been entering into an age where there are a large number of people that don’t even bother going to an actual store to shop if they can avoid it. They shop online. Customers might be shopping for something ...

Parallax Websites

website design

What is a Parallax Website? You might have heard of the word Parallax for new website design but are not quite sure what it means, if this type of web design is beneficial to you and your company and if it is here to stay. The Parallax Effect started with the video game and computer graphic industry several decades ago and is now making its way to the Internet. It is a visual effect while scrolling a web page. As you scroll down or up, there is a background image that appears ...

The most common website mistakes are easy to prevent

website design

Your visitors have about 5 seconds to decide if they like your website or not, if they get a sense of professionalism, trust and so forth. The most common website mistakes are easy to prevent or fix.

  • Make sure each page in your website has something valuable to offer to your visitors but also the search engine bots.
  • Don't distract your visitors with blinking or scrolling text, animated imag...

The meaning of colors in your branding and marketing efforts

website design

Nobody can deny that colors affect moods, perception and overall assumption. A woman walks into a room full of people... She is wearing a bright red dress, it speaks energy and confidence. True? Though everyone has their own favorite color(s), specific colors convey specific messages to the general public. Below you will find a graphic that is widely accepted in the design and marketing fields. Of course, as anything else, you want to take into your consideration your business unique...

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