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WooCommerce versus BigCommerce

sonoma countywebsite design

At Business Website Center, we work with many different eCommerce platforms. When selecting the best eCommerce solution for a client, we take a close look at many points: Current online situation for the company / Business goals and vision / Technical knowledge of the staff / Marketing budget and goals / Projected revenues from online sales / Online competitors and many other factors. We have developed and still manage successful WooCommerce eCommerce websites, many of w...

From offline to online

sonoma countywebsite design

Your customers are online and you should be, too. It became even more important during the waves of lock-downs these past two years. Whether you are just starting up or already have a business in place, take your brand online so you can sell everywhere your customers shop. COVID-19 changed the way we conduct business and now most buyers are familiar with buying online. If you have a brick-and-mortar company, you could be left behind and miss out on online revenues.



sonoma countywebsite design

What is Feedonomics? It is the name of a company that offers a Full Service Product Feed Management Platform and was purchased in 2021 by BigCommerce, a leader in eCommerce platforms. It is a powerful way to optimize and list products on hundreds of channels at the same time. And now you can do it by just being one of our BigCommerce merchants. Feedonomics unlocks scalable growth by automating product feed optimization, catalog listing, order management, and more. This i...

2021 – BigCommerce merchants achieve record eCommerce sales

sonoma countywebsite design

At Business Website Center, we work with different types of eCommerce platforms from Shopify to WooCommerce and many others. With that in mind, we recommend BigCommerce for many customers because it offers more flexibility as a company grows online. If you start small, you may be fine with a lesser quality platform. But once your sales grow and you need more tools, you will most likely need to upgrade to a better company. The move from one platform to an...

What does Headless eCommerce mean?

sonoma countywebsite design

It seems that everyday the Internet is creating new words. We all remember when the "cloud" became a hot item and how confusing it was for most people. Today, we will address a term that has become popular for eCommerce website development this year: Headless eCommerce.

The way we conduct business online has changed greatly these past two years, primarily due to COVID-19 lock-downs and people having to...

You can’t beat Amazon so don’t try!

sonoma countywebsite design

You are familiar with the expression "If you can't beat them, join them!". This is absolutely applies to Amazon. It is said that in a year from now, Amazon will be worth a TRILLION dollars. How can you compete with them? You just can't. When you are ready to launch an online shopping cart for your own products or someone's else products, you may be tempted to try to compete with large online eCommerce sites. The best approach is two folds:

  1. First, have a strong eCommerce engine to...

eCommerce Websites

sonoma countywebsite design

As an approved partner of BigCommerce, Business Website Center has a thorough understanding of what it takes to develop a powerful and efficient eCommerce website. Every business wanting to sell online has its own requirements for a shopping cart. Some may want to offer promo codes based on dollar amount off or percentage off with a minimum purchase restriction. Others may want to offer multiple methods of shipping using various carriers like FedEx, UPS, USPS, or others. Other may want to use a ...

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