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Targeting your audience

sonoma countywebsite design

Your site should primarily "target" your audience, attract new clients, and keep your customers engaged. If you have been in business for a while you should have a good sense of who your target audience is. Can you describe them in a sentence or two? This is the time to be old fashioned and pick up a pen and paper for this exercise (or a keyboard). Remember that your target audience is the one client that brings you the most profit and pleasure to work with. Once you des...

One website – Two target audiences

sonoma countywebsite design

There is a solution if you are targeting different types of clientele on the same website. This can be the case if you are both a wholesaler and a retailer and wish your website to be used by both. It is also the case if your site is for both your vendors and customers. Understand that, in most cases, a company has one target audience. Yes, a company may sell to various types of individuals (different ages,  ethnicities, professional levels, etc.) but there is one singular type of client tha...

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