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Tax Deductible Website

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The end of the year is approaching fast and you are contemplating what your business New Year resolutions should be for 2016. You think hard and the obvious come through: It is time to have your website redesigned to help you take your business to the next level of success. You decided that you will start speaking with web designers at the beginning of January. But why wait? There are many advantages to having your website developed at the end of a calendar year.

=1= The fees you pay to design a new website are typically fully tax deductible. Your accountant can help you assess which category the investment should go under and many people place it under advertising. If you get the site paid for in January instead of December, you will have to wait a full year before being able to use it as a tax deduction (note that some types of corporations may be on a different yearly cycle for their taxes).

=2= The web development company may be offering additional year-end discounts as they wish to get a few website designed before December 31st.

=3= If you develop your website before the end of the year, you will have less to do in January and will be able focus on running your business and marketing your site instead of designing it.

=4= You can start promoting your new website the first week of the year while other business owners are making phone calls to web design companies to get quotes. This gives you a great head start in the year to come.

=5= You finish the year on a very positive note with a newly designed website that brings you pride and will be a great marketing tool for your company.

Though you may start your website development at the end of the year, you may not be able to have it 100% finished by December 31st. That’s alright, you can still make the full payment for it in December so that it counts towards your 2015 taxes.

website design tax deductible
Tax deduction and web development

If you feel you are in the situation described above, simply give us a call today at (707) 794-9999 (Pacific Standard Time – California).

Questions about this subject?

Never hesitate to contact our friendly team by phone at (707) 794-9999 (Pacific Standard Time) or by email here. Have a successful day!

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