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Chrome & Google Announcement about new HTTPS requirements

sonoma countywebsite design

A SSL certificate is a security program you purchase normally from your hosting provider. It enables the HTTPS to work on your site and ensures that all communications from your pages to your server are encrypted and protected. If you are unsure if your site has one, type in your domain name in your browser using Until recently, the HTTPS was required for all websites accepting online payments. The big changes is that,

What to do if your website was hacked?

sonoma countywebsite design

We have written many articles and posts on website hacking, what they are, how to restore your site, what to do to prevent an attack, and so forth. Today we are going to be succinct and right to the point.

  1. If your site has been hacked, contact your webmaster immediately. If you do not have one or cannot get a hold of them, contact us at 707-794-9999 (Pacific Standard Time). Do not wait! You do not want Google or other search engines to notice the hack. That would be...

2017 PCI compliance

sonoma countywebsite design

PCI DSS compliance (or PCS DSS) has become quite complicated and demanding in 2017. You may have received a notification from your merchant account, your payment gateway, your hosting provider, your webmaster, or other party about. Today, we will review what it all means and the steps you need to take to stay in compliance and be legally protected. Understand that this post will focus on website compliance only and there is much more to it. What is PCI compliance? PCI DSS ...

What is the “s” at the end of https?

sonoma countywebsite design

Whenever you see a website with https instead of http, it indicates that this site has a SSL certificate. If you are unsure if your own website has a SSL installed or not, simply add a "s" after the http. For instance, visit or (replace DomainHere with your own domain name). If you see a security warning, it means that there is no SSL and that visitor should use http instead. =1= What is a SSL?...

Website Security – Part 2 of 2 – SiteLock and Other Security Services

sonoma countywebsite design

SiteLock is the leading website security company that offers protection to websites from hackers and malicious software. Though it is a young company (created in 2008), it already has over 5 millions customers and that number continues to grow by the hour. Why such a success in such a short period of time? Simple ... hackers have gained considerable ground in the past 24 months and the number of infected or compromised websites has reached numbers in the tens of millions. Based on statistics,...

Website Security – Part 1 of 2 – Backups

sonoma countywebsite design

As we mentioned many times before, website security has become a top topic among Internet experts and website owners. In 2014 alone over 9 Million websites were infected by malicious scripts or directly hacked by hackers. Experts are now saying that 2015 came close to doubling that number. Either way it has reached epidemic proportions. As a site owner, it worries you and it should. Websites of all forms and sizes are being hacked every second. It does not matter if you own a...

Website security – Should you be concerned?

sonoma countywebsite design

If you are like most site owners, you “rent” server space with a hosting company and do not own your own servers. Today we will discuss on site security and not server security which is a very different topic. There are several steps you can take to ensure better security on your website. =1= Install a SSL certificate (Secure Sockets Layer) on your website which will enable the https. If you are not sure if you have one already, go to your website but instead of

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