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Can a website have too many colors?

sonoma countywebsite design

The answer is a big YES! We all love rainbows but this does not mean it is a good option for your website. Having too many colors in the design of your website is simply overwhelming to the senses. It can also make the site look busy, disorganized, unfocused, and childish. If this is not the feeling you hope to give your visitors, stay away from having too many colors. Our recommendations is simple. If you are going to use lots of photos, we suggest you keep the site white or have a light col...

Web Design Tip #2 – Colors

sonoma countywebsite design

Selecting the perfect colors for your website can be a lengthy or a neglected process but it is absolutely worth taking your time in this phase of development. Indeed, when redesigning your website, you should spend time picking colors that support your company's message, your brand, and what you do. These colors also need to "please" your customers. Remember that, first and foremost, the website is there for your audience not for your own personal use. So you may love hot pink but, if your audi...

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