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Video on Microsoft Edge and Website Design Implications

sonoma countywebsite design

We covered in prior posts what Microsoft Edge was, what its cool features were and what benefits it brought to Internet users and website developers. The long awaited modern and evergreen browser has delivered and so far it is a welcome change to its prior Microsoft product, Internet Explorer, which for years created lots of issues for website design. Today no need to read ... just relax and watch our 15 minute-video. Virginie Dorn and Ryan Perry recap the 5 biggest attrib...

Website Design for Microsoft Edge

sonoma countywebsite design

A few weeks ago we reviewed what Microsoft Edge was and what set it apart from its predecessor Internet Explorer (see our prior post What is Microsoft Edge?). Today we are continuing the discussion but focusing more on the relationship between the new Edge browser and website design. Quick recap:

  1. It is only available on Wind...

What is Microsoft Edge?

sonoma countywebsite design

You may have heard the words Microsoft Edge but are still wondering what it is. Guess no longer. It is the new replacement for the Internet Explorer browser. Most of us are very happy to see IE (short for Internet Explorer) go away. As web programmers, we spent countless hours making websites work well on IE while other browsers had no issues displaying great websites using up-to-date coding techniques. When Microsoft announced in January of 2015 the release of their new browser...

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