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Is your Facebook account a GRAY account?

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If you received an email from Facebook informing you that your Personal Profile has been tagged as GRAY, it is important you take action immediately. This is especially true if this account is the only ADMIN user for a Facebook Page. Remember Profile is for humans and Page is for businesses. In our experience, in most cases, the Profile scheduled for deletion is not one you use for your personal posting. What is important is to save the ownership of the Business Page. Without doing so, the deletion will remove both your Profile and the Page.

What can you do?

The good news is that you can download your information and transition ownership of any Pages or groups you manage to another account. But it all has to be done before the deletion date that is noted in the email you received.

Why is Facebook disabling your account?

Gray accounts were used in the past to manage Pages and run ads. They don’t have access to the same security features as standard Facebook accounts. Using a standard account will ensure improved security and account safety on Facebook.

What are your options?

Create a new account or use an existing, standard account to continue using Facebook. Transition ownership of any Pages or groups you manage to another account. Download your information. Delete your account or wait for this account to be automatically disabled after its deletion date.

What about your Business Page’s ownership?

Go to Settings > User Roles. Make sure another person who does not have a Gray account is an ADMIN. Note that if you cannot add them as an ADMIN it is often time because the two accounts are not FRIENDS. The new person will need to LIKE the page and be FRIENDS with your GRAY account.

Also make sure that person accepts the invitation to become an ADMIN for the Business Page. We also recommend to change the role of the person with the GRAY account from ADMIN to EDITOR. Once you are certain you have a valid ADMIN in page, then you have nothing to worry about your Business Page.

Are you still unsure if you did it correctly? Give us a call and we can help you.

Questions about this subject?

Never hesitate to contact our friendly team by phone at (707) 794-9999 (Pacific Standard Time) or by email here. Have a successful day!

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