M-Commerce stands for Mobile Commerce. It goes beyond the mobile responsiveness of eCommerce websites. Let's start at the beginning. An eCommerce site is a website on which products and services are sold. There is an exchange of payment on the site for a product (physical or digital) or a service. Think of Amazon, the mega eCommerce website. It can also be a local mom and pop gift shop that wishs to sell their products online. Internet buyers are buying items on their smartphones or tablets a...
Getting real-time U.S. and international shipping rates from UPS®, USPS®, and FedEx® is very important to any eCommerce websites charging shipping. There are different ways to do it: Integrate individually with each of the big shipping companies, Integrate with a 3rd party business which specialize in shipment, or use a platform that does it all for you. There are pros and cos to each option. The easiest way is via a comprehensive platform like BigCommerce. They handle important tasks such...
Collecting sales tax in your state for the items that must be charged sales tax is very important. Not doing so can have a huge negative impact on your business. This includes, but is not limited to, tax liability by you having to pay back all of the taxes you should have collected but did not. You may also have to pay a heavy penalty fee and interests to the government in addition to the payment. In a nutshell, you should be collecting sales tax if you ship a product within the state it is b...
No one has a crystal ball and can predict the future. Saying this, there are experts who spend countless hours reviewing past trends, current market conditions, new Internet users' habits and preferences, and upcoming events and changes that may affect how businesses will succeed on the web. Today, we are highlighting the 4 subjects discussed among our team and industry colleagues. =1= Website Security: This continues to ...
You are familiar with the expression "If you can't beat them, join them!". This is absolutely applies to Amazon. It is said that in a year from now, Amazon will be worth a TRILLION dollars. How can you compete with them? You just can't. When you are ready to launch an online shopping cart for your own products or someone's else products, you may be tempted to try to compete with large online eCommerce sites. The best approach is two folds:
eCommerce websites are a high target for hackers around the world. The cyber criminals know that, if they can penetrate the database, they might be able to collect financial data such as credit card numbers, first and last names, billing address, and more. They can can then either sell the data or use it to make illegal purchases. If you own an online store or a website on which you collect payments, you know security and protection are a constant concern. You must protect your site and its d...
V-commerce or Virtual Commerce is a set of online strategies enabling businesses to sell their products or services online successfully. It first focuses on the website itself, its design, its marketing value, its content, its ranking, and its functionality. But V-commerce goes beyond the e-commerce website. It also addresses the overall structure of the online selling process: How do you get buyers to your website, how to do you guide them to where they can buy, how to do you encourage them to ...
Real estate was one of the first industries to fully embrace the Internet and harness its possibilities. A new industry related to real estate has risen in the past two years: Rental. You can now rent anything from car, movies to vacation rental. The vacation rental market has indeed increased recently as people's holiday habits have changed. In the "old days" (really not that long ago), taking a vacation meant staying at the in-laws, in a hotel or camping. Now you may rent a condo, an apartment...