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Brand strategy during and after COVIVD-19

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Recent events related to the COVID-19 pandemic and stay-at-home orders have seen companies scramble to re-assess the way their employees work and communicate with customers but also rethink their brand.

The term “Brand” can encompass many things. Primarily, it is what people think of you when they recognize your company name. What feeling does it evoke in them when thinking of your business? Is it excitement, happiness, curiosity, or another feeling? Most importantly, what do you want your prospective customers to feel and think? Your brand should evoke that feeling.

Since you have had to adjust your business during and after the Coronavirus pandemic, now it is the perfect time to revisit your brand.

Here are the main elements you should be brainstorming with your team:

– Company name

– Logo

– Fonts, colors, and other branded elements

– Website design & content

– Printed marketing material

– Email signature

– Types of marketing campaign (digital versus traditional)

– Public relation especially in relationship to your community

– Your company in the news

For many of our customers, the stay-at-home orders in California and other states greatly affected their business operations and reduced their income. For some, it halted their business altogether. Saying this, some of our entrepreneur clients reached out to us and asked “What should I be focusing on right now while my employees are stuck at home and my customers cannot come to my business?” We applaud these forward thinking business owners!!!

Again, let’s start by revisiting your brand. What can we improve on to start fresh when all restrictions are lifted? Yes, let’s think of it as a new fresh start!

Then let’s work together on a plan and action on how to reassure your customers (current and future ones) that you have taken every possible step to ensure a safe environment for them to come back to. We have many customers whose work has to do with disinfecting offices and buildings. Some have prepared outstanding plans to clean facilities and also provide certifications.

COVID-19 is not the end of all. We, as businesses, have overcome many obstacles and we will overcome this Coronavirus pandemic together. 911 seems so long ago, doesn’t it?

This post is merely to remind you that tomorrow is a new day and, as an entrepreneur, you should find the silver lining and assess how you can best make use of this time and how you can best prepare for what is to come.

Virginie, our owner, is always happy to speak with business owners or managers and brainstorm ideas for their companies and their web presence and marketing. She can be reached at or by phone at 707-794-9999.


Questions about this subject?

Never hesitate to contact our friendly team by phone at (707) 794-9999 (Pacific Standard Time) or by email here. Have a successful day!

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