If you have a small budget (perhaps under $1,000) to improve your website, you might think it is impossible to make a difference. This is not so. We work with businesses of all sizes from multi-million dollar-corporations, to small mom and pops and single-owner operations.
Before you spend your budget on your website, ask your webmaster where it is best spent to render the best results. Explain what your business goals are and what you want your website to do for you. We always think about ROI, Return On Investment, for our clients. You might want to change the visual of the site to make it more appealing or you might want to add more content. Every site is different.
There are two areas a small budget can be spent on:
Updating the color scheme, the font, the images, and the overall look of the site can make a huge difference for your company. Indeed, if your site looks outdated, prospective buyers may assume your business is also outdated. First impressions are very important. When a first impression is made online, it is crucial to make sure that impression is 100% positive. Visitors will judge your site (therefore your company or organization) within a few seconds of looking at your website.
Updating the copy writing is also important for your visitors and search engine optimization. If you have a small budget and the visual of the site is fine, then your money would be best spent on updating the text of each page especially the homepage. You may also add more pages and add more calls-to-action.
As mentioned, your best move is to not take a chance but speak with an experienced webmaster who is also an Internet marketer. Explain your budget and your goals, he or she can then tell you where the best results will be seen with your small budget.
Never hesitate to contact our friendly team by phone at (707) 794-9999 (Pacific Standard Time) or by email here. Have a successful day!