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ADA compliance tool for websites

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It is the right thing to make any attempts possible to assist those with disabilities have good access to websites. With this in mind, it is also very difficult to make a site fully accessible to everyone since there are many types of disabilities and they come in various ranges. Web accessibility is a set of rules, behaviors, code standards and design guidelines, that are meant to allow people with disabilities to effectively use websites. Here are some examples of disabilities: Blindness, Motor & Mobility, Color Blindness, Epilepsy, Blurred Vision, Cognitive Disorders, Aging, Cataracts, and more.

The good news is there are now tools that cater to users who are visually or motor impaired. One of the most promising one is an integrated dashboard we can add to your website. It can be added to a custom website, a hard coded site, a template based site, or a platform like BigCommerce or WordPress. The code itself is provided by a 3rd party software company which has affordable monthly and annual plans to choose from.

The program, once installed, scan the site using Artificial Intelligence. It is a session based program. The AI reviews everything on the site such as functions and states of elements. It scans daily to keep up with any new data you have added to your website.

Furthermore, it can understand what an image actually is via IRIS and OCR image recognition technologies. By doing so, it renders Alternative Tags for each image on your site which the screen reader for your visually impaired visitors are using.

The best part is the Accessibility Interface. It adjusts the website design based on the user’s personal preferences such as color contrasts, readable fonts, and more. For instance, the user can choose “Seizure Safe”, “Visually Impaired”, “Cognetive Impaired”, “ADHD Friendly”, or other.

All adjustments provided by the program are compliant with WCAG 2.1 AA & AAA requirements. ADA compliance is a complex subject matter so do not hesitate to contact our team if you have questions or would like a demo.

screenshot of homepage for with accessible adjustment panel opened for valued disabled visitors to use

Questions about this subject?

Never hesitate to contact our friendly team by phone at (707) 794-9999 (Pacific Standard Time) or by email here. Have a successful day!

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